Assimilate! (A Party Game) is Now Available!
Assimilate! (A Party Game) » Devlog

Assimilate! (A Party Game) Is Now Available!
Are you ready to party??
The big annual sock hop is starting and the good news? You (& up to 9 friends) are all invited!
There will be great dancing, music, and - if you do your job correctly - ABSOLUTELY NO ROBOTS. But don't forget, that pesky robot and their programmer friend will certainly try their darndest to sneak in so be on alert to keep 'em out!
For more information, feel free to visit our website at or join our new Discord Server.
Hope to seeya at the sock-hop, pals!
- The Friendship is Fun Devs
Assimilate! (A Party Game)
A 50s-themed, social deduction party game about a cleverly-disguised robot infiltrating a local, "humans only" sockhop!
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